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Tutoring Information

The Aim of Shropshire and Powys Advanced Riders (SaPAR) is to reduce motorcycle accidents by encouraging an interest in road safety, and improving riding standards, knowledge and skill. In order to do this SaPAR will provide free tutoring to help you improve your riding skills and prepare you to take the Ultimate Advanced Test. We hope to help anyone who is interested in improving the standard of their motorcycle riding. An Advanced rider is equipped with the knowledge and skill to ride safely and effectively in all conditions.
Tutors meeting at Montford Bridge

When riding do you ever find yourself:

Having to brake sharply? Creeping above the speed limit? Riding too close to the vehicle ahead? Feeling anxious, tense or intimidated? Regretting what you’ve just done?

Rider leaning into a corner

Every day we choose to ride our bikes without giving any additional thought to the fact that it may be one of the most dangerous things that we will do in that day. We make up only 1% of road users but we account for 20% of road deaths!

Tutors at Aberystwyth on a training ride

About our Tutors

All SaPAR tutors are experienced riders who have undertaken additional training and are registered with RoSPA. Apart from the training and skills needed to pass the RoSPA advanced rider test they are all able to offer unbiased advice and feedback to associates to enable them to reach a higher standard of riding and safety.

SaPAR Tutors with Stuart

Periodically the tutors meet with the Training Officer to discuss and practice additional skills to ensure that they all provide a uniform level of help and guidance to the associates.

RoADAR Test Applications
If you would like to apply for an Initial or a Re-Test, please use the relevant button below. The cost to take the initial test and therefore join RoSPA is currently £71 which includes the test, VAT and your first years membership of RoSPA. Annual subscriptions thereafter are currently £40 (The annual membership fee covers your 3 yearly retest fee.) When completing the on-line form enter ‘Shropshire & Powys Riders’ as the ‘Which RoADAR Group do you belong to?’ Due to the restricted numbers of staff at RoSPA HQ they are not issuing paper certificates for test passes, an electronic copy will be sent instead.
To check current pricing for the test please select this link to the RoADAR webpage
Important Information – Please Read

The test may be taken using any motor vehicle. In all cases, the driver/rider must have a full valid licence for the vehicle on which the test is carried out. It must also be made clear that the type or capability of the vehicle used does not limit the grading that can be achieved. However, to be able to pass at gold standard the candidate must demonstrate an ability to drive at the national speed limits and so the vehicle used must allow this.
It is hoped that associate members will achieve a satisfactory level of competence and be ready to take the RoSPA Advanced test after approximately 10 sessions and within a time frame of 4 months. This may not always be possible and tutoring can be flexible to allow for extraordinary work or family commitments.
The purpose of these targets is to achieve continuity of tutoring and a steady flow of associate/tutor availability.

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