Shropshire and Powys Advanced Riders
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Quiz – Highway Code
How well do you know your Highway Code? Answer the questions below and see how you fair. These and other quizzes are purely for your own amusement, the results will not be shared or stored anywhere but will provide you with an idea of how well you know the subject.
Each quiz will consist of 10 randomly chosen questions therefore will vary each time you try the quiz
Some questions are single answer whereas others require ‘All that Apply’ to be selected. Beside each question is a tooltip button which indicates the location within the book where you can get help if needed.
After you have completed all of the questions and clicked the ‘Finish’ button your result will be revealed. Should you answer a question incorrectly it will show with a red dotted outline with the correct answer underlined in green.
Questions have been based on The Official Highway Code Sixteenth edition 2015, Third impression 2016

#1. The Highway Code states 'do not overtake if there is any doubt, or where you cannot see far enough ahead to be sure it is safe'. For example when approaching ...'. Which of the following is NOT one of the examples given? ? Rule 166

#2. You must be able to read a vehicle number plate (with glasses if needed) in good daylight from a distance of? ? Section 92

Should have gone to Specsavers!

#3. The Highway Code suggests that you should avoid undertaking long journeys between what times? ? Section 91

#4. At which of these is a cyclist allowed to ride across? ? Section 25

#5. When overtaking large vehicles the Highway Code says you should drop back. This will allow you to ...? ? Rule 164

#6. The Highway Code states that mini roundabouts should be approached in the same way as normal roundabouts and that all vehicles must pass round the road markings except ... . ? Rule 188

#7. The Highway Code defines night as? ? Rule 113

#8. On a dual carriageway with a series of street lights and no signs to indicate otherwise, what is the speed limit? ? Rule 124

#9. When turning left the Highway Code suggest what road position on the approach? ? Rule 183

#10. You are riding along a wide road and see these markings. Can you cross into the marked area? ? Section 130



Excellent well done on a good score

Oh Heck, you need to dig into the code a bit more!

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