Shropshire and Powys Advanced Riders
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Rideout Reports 2022
March – Crossgates round trip
Ride Coordinator Charles Bridgeman arranged for a trip through Much Wenlock via Buildwas then to Craven Arms Discovery Centre for coffee and leg stretch then on to Crossgates for lunch. After lunch a scenic and windy route back to Newtown for a brief leg stretch then back to Shrewsbury. The weather was fair with bright sunshine in places . It was good to see familiar faces and also some non members who wished to join us on the run to see how things worked. We hope they had a good day and look forward to seeing them again in the future.

Ride leader – Charles Bridgeman
Tail End Charlie – Bryan Murphy
Photos courtesy of Bryan Murphy and Ken Swinton

April – Martins Mystery Trip
This was a largely unplanned event thanks to Martin stepping up at short notice to lead the ride. Seven riders joined Martin on a route towards Newtown, viewed from a spectacular vantage point way above the town.

Ride Leader – Martin Powell
Tail End Charlie – Alan Fowles
Photos courtesy of Alan Fowles, Bill Croxon and Rob Hall

May – Mid Wales Tour
Forecast was for a wet day with the cloud base likely to affect views from some of the higher points of the route.  Starting point was the usual Montford Bridge Cafe with seven riders of varying experience; indeed, ‘high five’ for Sean Pyne on his first ride with the group and being ‘Tail End Charlie’. The route took us to Lake Vyrnwy, via Llanfyllin and the B4393, for our first break before then following the NW route along Eunant Fawr.  Unfortunately, we entered the cloud base for a short period below Foel Y Groes before breaking cover with the rapid descent into the valley to Dinas Mawddwy.  After a quick run on the A470, we headed West from Aberangell to Aberllefenni through a picturesque, wooded valley area and on some very good tarmac!  Intersecting the A487 then took us to our lunch break at the Centre for Alternative Technology. Back on the A487 after lunch, it was a quick hop down to Machynlleth before we then head SE on the Forge Road – an excellent, flowing, twisty road passing the stunning Ceunant Dylife valley. Turning right onto the B4518 for a short time, we turn off this road to head South in order take scenic route to the West of Llyn Clywedog Reservoir before arriving at Clywedog Dam viewing point for a break and refreshment. For the final leg to Welshpool, we pick up the B4569 out of Llanidloes through Trefeglwys to Caersws.  Then onto the A470 to Carno before heading NE towards Cefn Coch.  We should have taken the B3485 from Llanfair Caereinion but instead, I decided to pick up the A458 to Welshpool to make some time up to arrive at Tuffins/McDonalds.   Honest, I did not miss the turn onto the B3485! Trust me – ahem . Although the pictures show a damp day, little rain actually fell with generally good road conditions and the cloud base lifting after Midday to allow the group to experience the views from the high points on the route.  We were able to set a good pace and I managed to find some roads that many of the riders had not ridden before and, in places, provide them with some challenging riding in places. Having departed Montford Bridge Cafe at 10:00, we arrived at Welshpool for 16:00 with a lot of smiles all round.  A good days riding through some glorious scenery.  Bring on the June ride.

Ride Leader – Dave Johnson
Tail End Charlie – Sean Pyne
Photos courtesy of: Alan Fowles, Dave Johnson, Sean Pyne, Hugh Trevor-Jones, Kathryn Wilding and Ken Swinton

July – Borth
The July ride very nearly did not happen as the ride leader contracted Covid just days before the event. Fear not, the day was saved by Nigel Bright who stepped up and offered to lead the ride with Bryan and Elsie Murphy picking up the tail enders. Hopeful of a dry day the group of  11 bikes and 12 riders/pillions ventured through the very bowels of Wales heading for Borth. Some of the roads were best described as tracks but took us into the more interesting areas with few cars, some cyclists and many sheep and cows wandering about the roads. The return journey explored more of the above and ended back in civilization at McDonalds in Newtown. A very good day.

Ride Leader – Nigel Bright
Tail End Charlie – Bryan and Elsie Murphy
Photos courtesy of: Bryan Murphy and Ken Swinton

August – 2 Lakes and a Station
This months ride attracted 17 members and 16 riders. Hugh led us to Bala and the quaint railway station of Llanuwchllyn at the far end of the Lake. After waving the train packed with trippers off we regrouped and continued via Llanrwst, then on to Llansannan for a brief comfort break then to Lake Brenig for lunch. After lunch  back mainly using the A5 finishing at Dinky’s Dinah. The weather was excellent with oddly, no rain.

Ride Leader – Hugh Trevor Jones
Tail End Charlie – Phil Noble
Photos courtesy of: Bill Croxon and Ken Swinton

September – Llangorse Reservoir
This ride was led by Phil Noble with Hugh Trevor-Jones as TEC. The original weather forecast was dire, so attendance was poor. I have added Phils notes below since I could do no better.
At approximately 0955hrs SaPAR’s ‘Fantastic 5’ (Phil – Ride Leader, Hugh – TEC, Rob, Tony and Martin) departed Dinky’s Dinah with a wave and wish of good luck from Ken Swinton.
Phase 1 of the ride out saw the ‘Fantastic 5’ head for Builth Wells via: Worthen, Chirbury, Churchstoke, Pentre, Bishop’s Castle, Clun, Knighton, Whitton, New Radnor, and Hundred House.  Adhering to the principle ‘prevention is better than cure’ thankfully the group were fully waterproofed up on departure as, in accordance with the weather report, the skies unloaded the wet stuff upon us within the first 5 minutes of the ride.  Fortuitously, after a brief dousing, the rain abated for the remainder of the day.
Following a 30 minute ‘brew stop’ in Builth, Phase 2 saw the ‘Fantastic 5’ head for Llangorse Lake (Llyn Langors) via:  Llanddewir, Cwm, Cwm Owen, Upper Chapel, Brecon, Llanfrynach, Talybont-on-Usk, Bwlch and Cathedine.  As we travelled the B4520 paralleling the eastern boundary of Sennybridge (military) Training Area (SENTA), the fluffy, woolly roadside inhabitants kept to their side of the bargain and off the tarmac.
A 60 minute lunch stop was taken at Llangorse Lake which offers good facilities including a cafe, shop and pub.  Be advised these facilities will likely operate to seasonal variation timings.
Phase 3, the route ‘home’, saw the ‘Fantastic 5’ travel through: Talgarth, Bronllys, Hay-on-Wye, Bredwardine, Letton, Kinnersley, Kingsland, Mortimer’s Cross, Lucton, Orleton and Woofferton.  Following a brew at the facilities on offer at Woofferton, the decision was taken to end the ride out at this point, with the ‘Fantastic 5’ making their individual way home.
(You can tell that Phil is from a military background.)

Ride Leader – Phil Noble
Tail End Charlie – Hugh Trevor Jones
Photos courtesy of: Phil Noble and Ken Swinton

November – Lake Vyrnwy
The November ride was led by Hugh Trevor-Jones ably assisted by Kathryn Wilding as Tail End Charlie, or for today Tail End Kathryn. The original route was from Montford Bridge picnic area to Lake Vyrnwy with the intention of circling the lake before lunching at the Artisans Cafe. Due to reports that the circular route was very messy an executive decision was made to aim directly for the cafe. From there the group travelled via Oswestry then Ellesmere concluding the ride at Dobbies Services on the A5. Riders report that all arrived safely albeit with very dirty machines.  It was good to see a couple of non members, Martin and Dave who braved to weather to join the group and get a taste of what we do, hopefully they enjoyed the day.

Ride Leader – Hugh Trevor-Jones
Tail End Charlie – Kathryn Wilding
Photos courtesy of Hugh and Kathryn