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Rideout Reports 2024
May – Steve Clarke and Terry Mansell
This first rideout of the year led by Steve leading a group of 16 bikes and riders west onto the glorious roads and vistas of Mid Wales. A coffee stop was made at the National White Water and Rafting Centre just north of Bala. From there in a northerly arc to Tywyn for lunch. Due to us overwhelming the staff at Pebbles Tea Room lunch took a little (lot) longer than expected. I am told that lunch was well worth the wait and that we clashed with many other bank holiday guests. Plans changed after lunch and after a brief comfort stop at Meiford the group separated and made their way home. Our thanks to Steve and Terry for marshalling the group and arranging sunshine which has been in short supply so far this year. Hopefully our next ride will be as equally enjoyable.

Ride leader – Steve Clarke
Tail End Charlie – Terry Mansell
Photos courtesy of Simon Plevin and Ken Swinton Video courtesy of Alan Fowles

June – Nigel Bright and Hugh Trevor Jones
The following text has been provided by Nigel Bright: The June rideout was led by myself with Hugh Trevor-Jones doing an excellent job as Tail End Charlie. The ride enjoyed sunny and warm weather (hot even at times) along roads that passed through South Shropshire and some of the Black and White village tour in Herefordshire. Passing through Cleobury Mortimer, Clee Hill, with its stunning views of the valley and then over to a lunch break at Shobdon Airfield where we were able to sit outside in the sun and watch the busy aeronautical activity. After lunch the ride passed through Lyonshall, Weobley and Dilwyn before taking a short break in the pretty award-winning village of Eardisland and then making our way back to Much Wenlock where the ride ended. For this ride we tried something new and started the ride at Telford Services as we have a number of members in the East of our region.

Ride Leader – Nigel Bright
Tail End Charlie – Hugh Trevor Jones
Photos courtesy of Brian Andrews, Hugh Trevor Jones and Nigel Bright

July – Nigel Clifford and Nigel Bright
The July rideout managed to avoid the worst of the weather and enjoyed mainly dry roads on the trip into Wales. The ride started at Montford Bridge, heading to Llangynog and over the stunning pass overlooking the Berwyn Nature Reserve to Bala and then on to The National White-Water Centre for a coffee break. Leaving the centre, we headed into the Snowdonia national Park on wonderful biking roads towards Llan Ffestiniog and into the Migneint Moors before taking a break and walk around Ruthin with its magnificent old buildings and to take onboard its interesting history including seeing the house of Sir Hugh Myddleton who provided London with its first supply of fresh water. During our break we took up Andy’s suggestion to go ‘Off piste’ and visit The Old Stores biker café at Mold with its interesting collection of bike memorabilia. We decided to end the ride at the Ponderosa Café as it worked best for the various home destinations of the group.
Thank you to Nigel Clifford who led a well-paced ride. Nigel Bright was TEC.

Ride Leader – Nigel Clifford
Tail End Charlie – Nigel Bright
Photos courtesy of Bryan Murphy and Nigel Bright